The Power of Mindset - how Katalin Kariko’s mindset has changed the world.
Key points:nts:
Mindset is a mental attitude that determines how we interpret and respond to situations.
Meta mindset is our big-picture clarity about life, our fundamental attitude toward our world.
Macro mindset relates to the mental disciplines and ways to sustain our energy and realize our vision.
Micro mindset produces the specific actions necessary to build a sustainable path for our venture.
Mindset is a mental attitude that determines how we interpret and respond to situations. In our qualitative research with Robert B. Dilts, we have found three distinctly different levels of mindset, which we will introduce in this post. To illustrate the power of mindset, I would like to share the story of Katalin Karikó, a researcher who this week won the Nobel prize for medicine for her work on modifying the RNA molecule to avoid triggering a harmful immune response. Yet, her life was full of rejection and doubt. Her achievement had much to do with her mindset.